Woman of God Rosa Diaz

How To Deal With Anxiety During COVID19

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;” ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4:6‬

Definition of anxiety: Mood of restlessness, fear, and nervousness. It is also a feeling of uncertainty and fear for future events. Excessive sensation of worry.

What are some of the effects anxiety has in the human body:

  • Anxiety is one of the biggest causes of vascular problems thus causing heart attacks
  • Throat problems
  • Lung problems such as what is known as emotional asthma
  • Liver problems
  • Staying in a state of anxiety and stress can damage the functions of the intestines and the absorption of nutrients in the body
  • Skin reactions, causing rash and hives
  • It damages the brain, affecting short and long-term memory.
  • Affects the activity of the vessel and blood cells
  • Affects the nervous system
  • Weaken the functions of the immune system
  • It produces tension in the muscles

What are some things we can do to cope with anxiety during this pandemic?

  1. Begin your day in the presence of God in prayer, even if it is for a few minutes. Many times we avoid time alone with God just because we don’t have a full hour or two to be in His presence. Do not do that! Whatever time you can spend in the presence of God will be of great benefit to your life; anything in the hands of God is better than everything in yours. “Praying at all times with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.” Ephesians 6:18 NTV
  2. Feed your faith and hope with the Word of God! Read the Bible! This may sound so cliche; but what you bring to your mind and your subconscious; is what will come out later. That is why you must feed yourself (spiritually) with fresh spiritual food, which is the Word of God.
  3. Stop the constant listening or watching the news, and what others are saying on social media. Watching the news is important to keep us informed. But too much sensationalism can hurt you. When you watch your cell phone or television every 5 minutes … 100 more died, 10,000 more cases in your area; the enemy begins to play tricks with your mind and with your emotional stability. Making you think that the next person could be you. It is not advisable to be completely disconnected from the events that are happening around us, but it is also not healthy to immerse yourself in them all day. I particularly watch the news in the morning and at night; just to be in the loop.
  4. Change your routine. Instead of wasting your time on the news or on social media, spend your time watching or listening to videos that motivate you and inspire you to be better. Listen to a preaching, a video of spiritual and personal development like the ones on my you tube channel, praise; something that elevates your life and your state of well being.
  5. Create an environment of peace and tranquility around you.
    1. Clean your house / your office / your space
    2. Get rid of clutter.
    3. Light a candle, open windows, play some worship music
  6. Have an attitude of gratitude. In the midst of this difficult time, we can not lose sight that although, there is a crisis that we cannot ignore, we are also extremely blessed people. We have so many reasons to be grateful. God has given us another day of life. We have Him! We have the benefit of his salvation within our grasp.
  7. Do something you like! Anything you like to do, do it for a reasonable time. Go for a walk, breathe fresh air! Set aside a few minutes every now and then to do a distracting hobby. It is not recommended that you spend all day, every day, because that way you will waste your time, but if you spend some time recharging your creativity batteries, or simply relaxing you will realize that you will be more productive when you return.

**Disclaimer! I am not a doctor and this tips are not meant to replace the recommendation of your doctor. I and sharing this advice from a pastoral, or woman to woman perspective.**

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