What is time and what does the Bible has to say about that?
It is a succession of moments in which the changes of things take place. The Bible says “Making good use of time, because the days are bad.” Ephesians 5:16 KJV

What is to make good use of? Making good use of one thing is to get the maximum benefit, performance, or utility of something (in this case of time). Time is a limited resource, so we must be careful how we use it. We can not waste it because we will not be given more of it.

There are many thieves of time, some of the are: television, the internet or technology, overwork, procrastination, afflictions, toxic relationships, and lack of planning influence in how our time is wasted.

Being too busy is counterproductive. The ideal is not to work to be busy; the ideal is to work strategically to produce fruit. And it is crucial for us to recognize that trying to perform is robbing us of our blessing.

And how can I manage time more effectively?
Here are 8 steps to managing time effectively according to the Bible.

  1. Plan in advance – without a plan we don’t know where we are headed “Because who of you, wanting to build a tower, doesn’t first sit down and calculate the expenses, to see if you have what you need to finish it?”
    S. Luke 14:28 ESV
    It is important that we plan the tasks that we must do during the day. In the same way that we plan how we are going to spend our money with a budget, we must plan how we are going to spend the 24 hours of the day that we have been given.
  2. Prepare and organize your work area. Generally, people waste hours of their lives looking for something that has been lost. For example; keys, a document, a tool, a piece of clothing. If our life (and our work area) was more organized, it would be easier for us and we wouldn’t waste so much time; that otherwise we could use in other tasks.
  3. Guidance and direction from God: What is the most important thing we must remember when making a plan? As Christians, the only requirement we have when drawing up a plan is in James 4: 13-15 and it is to seek God’s direction and guidance to be fruitful in everything we do. “Let’s go now! those who say: Today and tomorrow we will go to such a city, and we will be there for a year, and we will traffic, and we will win; when you don’t know what will be tomorrow. Because what is your life? It is certainly haze that appears for a little while, and then fades. Instead of which you should say: Lord willing, we will live and do this or that. ” James 4: 13-15 KJV
  4. Dedicate yourself to one thing at a time. When we focus on a single task our mind and our efforts are more effective because the fruit of what we are doing is increased. When one begins to push a heavy object at first it is difficult but once the object is in motion it is easier to push it. The same happens in our daily tasks. The danger of “multitasking” is that after the inspiration or the ease of doing something is already flowing, we have to tell the brain now I don’t want you to do that, do this, and after 5 minutes now stop doing this and go back to what you were doing. “Teach us in such a way to count our days, that we bring wisdom to our hearts.” Psalm 90:12
  5. Consistency over time (at the same time, all the time): Doing things consistently forms habits in our lives, whether for better or for worse. And when we do it for the better, this facilitates the process of daily tasks that do not require excessive mental effort. “Then they answered and said before the king: Daniel, who is one of the sons of the captives of Judah, does not respect you, O king, nor does he obey the edict that you confirmed, but three times a day he makes his request.” Daniel 6:13 KJV
  6. Delegate to others: The tasks that I am doing, can someone else do them effectively so that I have more time to do the things that no one else can do; or those that have the greatest impact on my life and that of others? “Then the twelve summoned the multitude of the disciples, and said: It is not fair that we leave the word of God, to serve tables. Seek then, brethren, among you seven men of good testimony, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, whom we will entrust with this work. ” Acts 6: 2-3 KJV
  7. Work in batches: when our mind is in creative mode; all tasks that require your creativity will flow better. When your body has warmed up, cleaning one room gives you energy and strength to clean another, and another. That is why it is productive to join similar tasks together to do them all in a row. If we have to make several calls, let’s put them all in the same batch of time to make all the calls at the same time. If we have to write some messages do them in a row because the intellectual area of your brain is already stimulated to write.
  8. Do it even if you don’t feel like doing it. Leaving something for the next day or for another time (procrastinating) will only increase the stress level in our life and in the next day. And we know that there are days when things simply get out of hand and it is inevitable to leave something for the next day; but generally if we make an effort to do things in the today and now; our future selves will thank us. As a general rule in my life, if something takes less than two minutes to do, I do it right then and there to get it over with.

The 24 hours that you have today were a blessing and a gift sent from God to you; use it wisely!

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