As Women of God it is generally always a priority in our lives to lift or bear our wives in the Spirit. And there are two aspects to this; the woman of God whose husband is already a man of God; and the woman of God whose husband has not yet served God.
If the husband is a Man of God, he usually thinks that he does not need to be raised, but this could not be further from reality. Genesis capitulated 2 relates the number one purpose for which the woman was created; she was created to be a suitable help.
If the husband does not serve God, he receives strength because the word says that your testimony can be of salvation for him; “For what do you know, oh woman, if perhaps you will save your husband? Or what do you know, oh husband, if perhaps you will save your wife? 1 Corinthians 7:16
So … how do I help my priest?
- Don’t be a stumbling block on your husband’s path- The woman of God who has a husband who serves God, should not be a hindrance in the walk of that man. For example, if this man wants to fast, he wants to pray, he wants to read the Bible; the woman should be wise and help him find the best time for him to succeed in his plan to deepen his spiritual life. Of course! There is time for everything and it is not correct for the man to spiritualize everything and not attend to the physical areas of his home. But these are things that should be wisely dealt with.
- The woman of God should motivate her husband to seek the presence of God; and encourage him to do those practices mentioned above in point number one. If the wife does not see her husband practicing prayer, fasting, and reading the word, she should not rob him; on the contrary it should motivate him. Possibly saying baby take a little time to pray, my love I found something in the Bible and I want you to explain or give me your opinion that you understand about this. So with wisdom you motivate him to study the Bible with you.
- If your husband does not serve God or is weak in spirit; it’s up to you woman of God to seek God first to impart what you have secretly sought, to your husband and family. This is biblical! The apostles first sought the presence of God in secret and then went out to impart to the people what they obtained in the presence of God. In the same way we must try to fill ourselves in the spirit and then have to impart it to others.
- There are physical areas that can tarnish the spiritual areas. Usually we do not think about these things, but usually when a woman does not take good care of her home, her responsibilities; and does not pay attention to the area of intimacy in her marriage; these things affect the spiritual life of our husband. In the same way when in the homes there are many fights and bickering, that also affects the spiritual condition of our beloved.
Let us try to be wise women who seek the presence of God and submit ourselves to God first so that we can be a motivation and blessing to our loved ones and those around us.