Woman of God Rosa Diaz

Struggling With Depression and The Accusations of The Enemy

Depression as a Christian

According to Mental Health America, depression is a common mental disorder that affects people physically and mentally in the way people think and feel. Depression can have the effect on people with it by staying away from family, friends, and even work and school. It can also cause anxiety, loss of sleep, loss of appetite, it is highlighted by deep sadness and loss of interest or pleasure when doing different activities.

There are several examples in the Bible of people who suffered depressions. The Bible doesn’t use or makes reference to the word depression, but makes references to the patterns and behaviors of people suffering depression. Moses (because of the people), David (because of his own sin), Jeremiah (because of knowing the truth):

Elias (because of the circumstances that surrounded him) , “Then he continued alone all day until he reached the desert. He sat down under a solitary broom tree and asked to die: «Enough, LORD; take my life, because I am no better than my ancestors who have already died ».” 1 Kings 19: 4 The prophet Elijah after obtaining a great victory on Mount Carmel against the prophets of Bahal and Ashera; he was chased and threatened by Jezabel; and this situation led him to experience depression.

and Jonas “because he didn’t see (or get) what he wanted” …. Take my life now, LORD! I would rather be dead and not live if what I predicted will not happen. ” Jonah 4: 3 Jonah, after giving a prophecy of destruction on Nineveh, sat down to wait for it to happen because he was enraged with Ninive’s practices. And as the people repented, Jahweh did not send judgment at that time. Therefor Jonah was extremely upset. We have to be very careful not to behave like bratty children who want what they want and want it now.

There are several things that we must understand as Christians; depression can touch us at any time. Just because we feel depressed doesn’t mean we are less spiritual than others, but God has given us the power and authority to overcome! God has given us a way out !!! I don’t know

If you as a woman and servant of God are struggling with depression you should consider these points:

Loneliness itself is not bad; on occasions we need it to seek the face of the Lord. However, we recognize that loneliness for people who are going through a depression crisis can be harmful. That is why God, when we come to the ways of the Lord, gives us a family. It is of utmost importance that if you are experiencing depression seek help, DO NOT STAY SILENT.

In our experience most of the people who are experiencing depression; After they receive counseling based on the teachings of writing, they tend to overcome the crisis and restore themselves.

If the person has suicidal or psychotic thoughts that include but are not limited to hallucinations, episodes of hysteria, delirium, and other severe cases, it is necessary to receive medical treatment. In any case, as Women of God it is essential that this medical treatment be accompanied by spiritual submission, fasting, prayer, reading the Word, and Word-based pastoral counseling.

People who struggle with depression generally suffer from accusations from the enemy to their minds for everything they do and do not do. That is why it is essential that we know the biblical truths that will help us discern when any event or episode where we feel reckless is the product of the Holy Spirit leading us to repentance or is the work of the enemy so that we succumb to depressions.

The science and the medicines have their place and many times they are totally necessary; but none of this can give us absolute victory if we do not surrender our will and health in the hands of God and if we do not seek form his will is.

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